Barking can be a very frustrating behaviour for owners.

It is a complex behaviour that can have a multitude of different causes from fear based, sound sensitivity, attention seeking and much more. In order to work with the dog and owner to resolve excessive barking we need to take a holistic view of everything in the dog’s life and target the root cause.

Generally we often find there are other problems going on as well and the barking is just a symptom of something else.
Barking Dog Package
- Home visit that lasts up to 3 hours depending on how the session goes. (this may be split into two visits if that is better for the dog)
- Training to start to resolve the issue
- A written behaviour modification plan to refer to after the session and continue the training. (written after the visit)
- We encourage the owners to check in after a week to ensure the training is going well and offer support if needed.

So if you would like to take the first steps to resolving your dogs barking book in today and make every day a good dog day