Behaviour consultations are for owners and dogs that are struggling with a specific behavioural issue.
Behavioural issues can make life very difficult with your pet and in extreme cases lead to you rehoming your pet.
We’re here to help, when we work with any dog and owner with look at all factors influencing the dogs behaviour from diet to daily routine. It is important to have all the facts so that we can work on the cause of the behaviour rather than try to manage the behaviour.
How behaviour consultations work
To begin with we will we talk to you and ascertain whether a behaviour consultation is required for you and your dog, as some issues can be over come with 1:2:1 training. However, if it is decided that the case is more in depth then we will get you booked in for a behavioural consultation. Before your consultation we will ask you to fill out a questionnaire all about your dog and its life with you.
This gives us a good idea of how to plan our session and what you believe the main problems are.
The consultation will probably last between 3-4 hours, which will involve us going through the questionnaire and delving a little deeper into the info and then talking things through before we then move on to some training.
After the consultation we will then go away and write up the session and create a behaviour plan that you will receive and be able to continue on from the consultation and work through with you dog.
We like you to keep in touch with us to let us know how things are going and we are available to offer further support in your journey.
Cost – £350
- Home visit consultation typically 3-4 hours
- Full report and action plan to follow
- On going support – we encourage you to keep us updated on your progress so we can point you in the right direction.
Further follow up visits (if required) are charged at £45/hour