By placing a booking and completing our Dog Information form you are deemed to have read, understood and accepted our Terms and Conditions. Completion of the booking process and acceptance of our Terms and Conditions forms your contract with Whistle and Wag Dog Training.
- Current government guidance on COVID 19 and social distancing at the time of services received will be observed. By accepting our terms and conditions you are agreeing to abide by these current guidelines when using our services.
- Should we be in a lockdown situation any classes during that period will be postponed until government guidelines allow them to be resumed. By agreeing to our terms and conditions you accept this delay in your dog’s training course programme.
- Due to COVID 19 and how it is transmitted, we shall be disinfecting any equipment borrowed by owners.
- Instructors shall remain at least 1 metre away from you and your dog.
- In specific circumstances, online support can be given.
Health and Safety
- Please keep dogs on leads at all times unless otherwise directed by your instructor.
- Indoor venues and toileting – please let an instructor know if your dog has gone to the toilet and they can help clear up.
- Outdoor venues and toileting – please pick up after your dog and put poo bags in the poo bins provided by the venue or take it home.
- You must follow instructions at all times, including all safety instructions and don’t use equipment when your trainer is not present.
- Owners take full responsibility for their dog’s actions and any potential damage caused whilst training. Whistle and Wag dog training suggest that all dog owners have their own public liability insurance (this is normally included in pet insurance but please check your policy terms and conditions).
- Owners are responsible for the behaviour and actions of your dog while attending training, please follow the advice of the instructor regarding dog behaviour to ensure the safety of other owners/handlers, dogs and the general public.
- Some training sessions take place in public spaces. By agreeing to Whistle and Wag terms and conditions you are agreeing that your dog has current dog insurance and you take full responsibility for the actions of your dog towards other dogs, humans and the environment. Whistle and Wag do not take any responsibility for injury or harm caused by your dog to other dogs, humans or others in the environment, e.g. get hit by a car or cause a road accident.
- All dogs attending group training must be vaccinated or titre tested. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are accepting full responsibility for the protection of your dog from the risk of disease. If in doubt about vaccinating your dog please consult a veterinarian.
- Prior to attendance, if your dog, or any dog it has been in contact with has a contagious disease (for example, kennel cough) or is showing any signs of ill health, please inform the instructor and we will advise if it’s suitable for your dog to attend. Depending on the issue, it may be advisable for the session to be cancelled or re-arranged (see Bookings, Payments and Cancellations).
- All dogs should be protected from the potential risk of disease and it is the owners/handlers responsibility to ensure their dog is protected. Whistle and Wag accepts no responsibility for the potential or actual exposure of dogs to disease.
- We do not allow bitches in season to attend group training due to the effect this will have on other dogs present. However, the owner may still attend so they don’t miss the session content.
- Any accidents or issues involving a person or a dog must be reported immediately to the instructors.
- If your dog has any known allergies or intolerances to certain foods or has any other special needs, it is your responsibility to bring this to the attention of the instructor prior to the start of the session, and provide appropriate alternative treats.
- Cars are parked at their owner’s risk. We do not accept any responsibility for theft or damage to cars or property whilst at training.
- Family members are always welcome in classes and one-to-one training. All children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Adults bringing children take full responsibility for their health, safety and behaviour. If Whistle and Wag dog training deem it unsuitable for children to attend they will politely be asked to leave and not return.
Training and Handling Methods
- We are part of a group of trainers that believes in the ‘PRAMA’ Positive Reinforcement and Minimally Aversive method. We believe in using positive reinforcement in the form of treats of whatever else motivates the individual dog and also believe dogs need to learn what behaviour we do not want them to repeat by using minimally aversive cues such as a noise interrupter.
- Harsh handling of dogs is not allowed. Whistle and Wag instructors reserve the right to request any owners/handlers to leave the premises or cease the session if they are abusive to any other person or dog. We do not allow prong collars in classes. If you would like any help with selecting collars or harnesses please let your instructor know and they can advise on the best fit for your dog.
- Whistle and Wag use reward based training so please ensure you bring a bag of tasty treats for your dog and one of their favourite toys.
- Please respect the personal space of other dogs and ensure you stand at an appropriate distance from other dogs and owners unless instructed otherwise.
- If your dog is prone to barking excessively and you wish to join one of our group sessions, please inform us and we can arrange a one-to-one with you to explore this further and support your dog to join one of our group sessions.
Bad weather policy and Force Majeure
- If a class cannot take place due to adverse weather conditions where it is not safe to travel to the venue, or in the best interest of dogs and owners to attend outdoor training the session will be postponed and rescheduled for a later date. By agreeing to our terms and conditions you are agreeing to accept a change in time of session.
- In the event of an act of god, hurricane, flooding, pandemics, earthquake, natural disaster, war, or government mandate or law or any other extraordinary circumstance training will be provided via an additional session at a planned time. This could be online.
Bookings, payments & cancellations
- Payment is made after booking on receipt of an invoice being emailed to you. Failure to make payment by deadline stated in invoice email will result in the booking being cancelled.
- One-to-ones and behaviour consultations require full payment prior to your session to secure your date.
- By making payment for Whistle and Wag Dog Training group sessions, workshops, one-to-ones and behaviour consultations you are agreeing you have read and accepted the cancellation terms and conditions. These are as follows. All cancellations must be in writing to info@whistleandwag.dog and acknowledged by the instructors
- Under the Consumer Rights Act you may cancel your purchase within a period of 14 working days beginning the moment you place your order. However, there is no right of cancellation where the class, one-to-one or behaviour consultation begins within this 14 day period.
- There will be no right to cancel or receive a refund for any service if your course has already commenced regardless of when the order was made.
- Cancellations in writing will be accepted up to 14 days prior to the start of your course or one-to-one session. Any missed appointment or session will not be refunded unless we have been advised 14 days prior to the date of the session.
- Cancellations after 14 days: you are entitled to a 50% refund, however if your place can be filled you will be fully refunded.
- We offer a quality training service and to maintain this level of service we have to ensure we have sufficient bookings to make courses viable to cover staff and venue costs.
- If you are attending group classes and you have not divulged a behavioural problem Whistle and Wag reserve the right to ask you to leave the class. No refund will be made if information is withheld at time of booking. However, a behavioural consultation will be offered instead and you will be required to cover any additional costs.
- One-to-one and behaviour consultations will be subject to an additional mileage charge at 0.45pence per mile should the travel distance be further than a 30 mile radius from Ipswich.
Privacy Notice
Whistle and Wag takes your privacy seriously. Please read the following to learn about how we use your personal information.
- Whistle and Wag collects information about you from the enquiry and dog information forms and emails. This information will only be used as a record of you and your dog, and to contact you in relation to dog training activities and will not be passed on to any third parties.
- We only retain your contact details to contact you by email, phone or to invite you to a private Facebook group in relation to the following:
- responding to enquiries
- sending requested information
- adding to class lists for courses or workshops
- dog training activities
- sending out follow up information, for example,handouts from sessions
- in case of a change in session arrangements or any extenuating circumstances
- for invoicing purposes
- advising you of future dog training events.
- The information is not shared with any other parties.
- We send out an occasional email newsletter or details of future relevant training courses, by accepting our terms and conditions you are opting in to receive this. If you do not wish to receive this please advise us by sending an email to info@whistleandwag.dog
- You have a right to request a copy of the information we hold about you by emailing info@whistleandwag.dog
Photo usage and social media content
- By agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, you give Whistle and Wag Dog Training permission to publish in print, electronic, or video format the likeness or image of you and/or your dog.
- By agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, you give Whistle and Wag Dog Training permission to use photos and video footage for promotional use on their Facebook and Instagram pages.
- You release all claims against Whistle and Wag Dog Training with respect to privacy rights, publicity rights, copyright ownership and publication, including any claim for compensation related to use of the materials.
- If you do not wish your photos / videos to be used for the above purposes please advise us by sending an email to info@whistleandwag.dog and we will remove you from our mailing list.
Issued from 23/12/21